Booking form for initial consultation

Hello! Please complete this form if you would like to request a consultation to help you get started with Permaculture Impact. We are offering free consultations to permaculture projects and organisations that want to understand and communicate the outcomes and impact of their work. The process: 1) You complete this form as fully as you can. 2) We will read your form and may ask some follow up questions by email. 3) We will contact you to schedule a call. 4) During the consultation (typically 30-60 mins) we will help you to plan the first steps for you and your project to start or continue with its impact evaluation journey (we call this your Action Learning Pathway). There will also be time for you to ask any questions you may have. After the call: 5) Your project starts working on its Action Learning Pathway for impact evaluation. In most cases, this will involve completing one or more of our online action learning courses, which will help you to build up an Impact Portfolio for your project or organisation. 6) Support will be available via our Action Learning Groups which meet regularly, and our online forums found on our website.

Project Name
Organisation Name (if different)
Your name
Your WhatsApp number (incl country code)
Your email address (if you have one)
Project (or organisation) website address (if it has one)
Social media for project
(Names or links to project's Facebook page, Instagram account handle etc)
In which country is the project operating?
In which area is the project operating? (Region + Village/Town/City )
Location of project using
Find your 'what 3 words' address by going to website
Which timezone are you in? Knowing this will help us to communicate and arrange meetings.
When did the project start (year)?
What does your project do?
Please describe what the project does, who the beneficiaries are and the issues the project is tackling.
Which communities does your project work with / serve?
How many people are regularly working for the project?
How many people participate in the project’s activities, or could be described as beneficiaries?
What is your motivation to evaluate your project?
What is your interest, motivation or reason?
Please describe briefly how your project incorporates permaculture
Previous evaluation & data collection work
Please describe any work already done (if any) to evaluate the project or understand its impact. Please also tell us about any data that you are / have been collecting. This will not affect your chance of being selected. It is to help us understand your starting point.
Do you have documented Vision, Mission, Aims or Objectives for the project?
Do you have a documented Theory of Change for the project?
Many projects don't have this, but in case you do, we would like to know.
Is the project or the organisation a for-profit organisation?
What is the approximate annual income (including grant funding and other donations) of the organisation / project?
Amount in US dollars. This information will only be used to give us a sense of size of the operation.
Are you (or is anybody from your organisation) a member of the International Permaculture CoLab?
Membership is free. To become a member you need to complete a welcome & on-boarding session. Find out more here if you are interested
Yes, I am
I'm on the Slack but have not yet completed an onboarding session
I'm not, but someone from my organisation is
Nobody is
I'm not sure
Where did you hear about us?
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